Friday, August 6, 2010

One Sleep To Go

The busyness continues.  Yesterday our daughter, grand-daughter, my sister and the two of us drove up to Kuranda with the hope that we would visit the Butterfly Sanctuary.  But this was not to be.
Nevertheless we did do some shopping at the perpetual markets in Kuranda and had a great lunch at a funky little cafe where the waiter fell for our little grand-daughter!
Then it was off to Kazali for the wedding rehearsal, back to South Cairns for the hens/bucks night before driving family to their bed and breakfast and taking ourselves back to our sister's house to sleep.
Our grand-daughter is feeling a little bit mis-placed at the moment and didn't like the idea of having to leave her mum while she rehearsed for the wedding. She was very clingy, as everything is very new and strange to her. To overcome any chance of scenes on Saturday during the ceremony, The Bride to Be has gained a flower girl! All that's needed to complete her new role is a small bouquet and she will be allowed free rein of the staircase on which the ceremony will be held.
Fun in the sun, Cairns Esplanade.
This morning we baby sat our grand-daughter while her Mum and the rest of the female contingent of the bridal party went to the beautician to get pampered.
After all the uncertain weather of the past week, it was a beautiful sunny day so the rest of us spent a couple of hours at Cairns Esplanade while waiting for the pampered ones to return.

The  Quilt.  
I'd been sewing the above quilt for approximately twelve months, before we left on our trip. Even with a bit of help from my Mum and my sister, I just couldn't  managed to finish the project and in the end had to concede defeat.  What to do?  Should I take the quilt with me and hope to get it complete along the way or should I leave it at home and complete it on my return and then post it to the Bride and Groom?  A third option was to ask my daughter to complete the binding for me.  I took the third option.  My daughter did a wonderful job of finishing off the binding.  Thanks too, to Lynne from The Vintage Patch who I know gave helpful advice to my daughter to ensure that the project was finished professionally and on time.
As a result, I was able to give the Bride and Groom to Be, their completed gift today!
Thanks everyone for all the help!
Another night of feasting was enjoyed by all the family tonight.
Honey Pie and I will be masters of ceremonies at the wedding reception tomorrow night and I'm getting nervous!!!!
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