Monday, July 12, 2010

Rest Day

Both Honey Pie and I having been getting more and more tired over the past few weeks.  It's not really a physical tiredness, just a 'we're over it' sort of tiredness.
Tired of the crowded caravan parks and national parks.  Tired of the stress of wondering whether we're going to get a camp site each night.  Tired of the driving.  Tired of the messy ablutions blocks.  Tired of not knowing what the next caravan or national park is going to be like.
Despite all this, sometimes I can't help wondering what it is that makes, me, or any other human, want to drive that extra kilometre, walk around just one more bend in the trail, climb yet another mountain, cross another creek, hope to spot another rare bird or animal or visit just one more remote spot.  Why do we want to?
I have no regrets about taking this trip.
I recommend everybody do such a trip at least once in their lifetime.  But I don't recommend a second or a third such trip, because I must admit, I do miss my home comforts, my family and my friends.  I miss the familiarity of living in a regular town and home.  Yet at the same time, being on this trip means that there is so much that I don't have to worry about.
Being on this trip has taught me just how little we really do need in life, how much we can actually do without.
It has taught me so much about the country I have lived in all my life.
So, to get over some of the tiredness the two of us are feeling, we stayed home with my sister today.
Andrew cleaned out the car, opened up the tent, spread out the tent awning and the annexe walls which needed a good clean as they've been wet since we don't know when.
I caught up on some laundry, sorted and discarded endless travel brochures, packed parcels to send in the mail and wrote some postcards to friends and family.
In the afternoon, Sammy took my sister and I for a walk (or was that a run?) to the local supermarket.
Rest days are nice.  And we need them even if we're on holidays!
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