Sunday, May 23, 2010

After Cape Le Grande National Park

We made it back to Esperance Thursday afternoon for fish and chips.
Filled up with LPG (89c per litre) and prepared to leave for Stokes Inlet. While Andrew was filling up I was listening to the news on the radio and the weather report came on. A gale force wind warning was issued for the coast between Bremmer Bay and Israelite Bay. Isn't that where we're going? Check the map...there it is, Stokes Inlet, slap bang in the middle!
Just to make sure - log on to the internet on the mobile phone, sure enough...there it is, high priority. Quick change of plan...we certainly don't want a repeat of Wilson's Promontory so decide to head inland instead and leave this beautiful part of the country.
So Ravensthorpe it is - for a night stopover, then to Hyden to visit Wave Rock, something I've dreamed of doing since seeing a photograph of the rock in some obscure travel book when I was about eight years of age. Ahhh, if only it could be that simple.
Well before we arrived in Ravensthorpe it started to rain. After a little while longer, the rain became torrential. After an even longer while, the torrential rain was accompanied by wind. Soon after that and we were treated to the best electrical show I have seen in my life. It was storm to make any vampire movie proud!
When we arrived in Ravensthorpe, it was dark, wet and wild so headed for the first caravan park to seek shelter in any accommodation available. Tonight there was no way we'd be setting up the tent, even if we'd planned to.
The less said about our stay in the park the better, it was cheap, it was a roof over our head, we were dry and the ablution block was one of the better ones we'd used so far.
We were grateful for all that.
It rained all night except for about one hour's reprieve and it was still raining when we drove out past the kinky plant pots before eight that morning. Checked with the 'receptionist' that no roads were closed due to flooding and aimed our car towards Hyden.
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